terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2010

Renovação da ISSP

A renovação da anuidade de membros da ISSP (International Society of Sport Psychology) já podeser feita através do site www.issponline.org, lembrando que todos os associados possuem acesso gratuito à revista IJSEP. Além é claro de acesso a outros conteúdos no próprio site da Sociedade.

Segue abaixo a mensagem original.


Dear Members of ISSP:

Membership applications and renewals via the ISSP website(www.issponline.org) have been re-opened since January 4th, 2010 and available to process your transactions. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please note – your ISSP membership had automatically expired on January 1st, 2010. We sincerely invite you logon to the ISSP website and renew your ISSP membership via the website. After membership renewal, you will have full enjoyment of the membership cycle (January – December) and free access to the electronic version of the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJESP) during this cycle.

Thank you for your continued support of ISSP and the field of sport and exercise psychology world-wide.  All our very best wishes for a fruitful new year!!

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